dimecres, 5 de març del 2014

nova canço....Over in the meadow


Continuem treballant els animals de la fauna...i en anglès! Els alumnes de 4rt estem aprenent aquesta cançó en anglès sobre diferents animals!
Sabeu alguna cosa d'aquests animals? Ho podeu posar als comentaris!!!


Over in the meadow,
In the sand in the sun
Lived an old mother toadie
And her little toadie one
"Wink!" said the mother;
"I wink!" said the one,
So they winked and they blinked
In the sand in the sun
Over in the meadow,
Where the stream runs blue
Lived an old mother fish
And her little fishes two
"Swim!" said the mother;
"We swim!" said the two,
So they swam and they leaped
Where the stream runs blue
Over in the meadow,
In a hole in a tree
Lived an old mother bluebird
And her little birdies three
"Sing!" said the mother;
"We sing!" said the three
So they sang and were glad
In a hole in the tree

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