dilluns, 17 de novembre del 2014
diumenge, 16 de novembre del 2014
More about the story of The Barber of Seville
The story of the Barber of Seville
In this page, you will learn more about the story and the melody!
Click the picture to discover the story in Spanish!

listen and pay atention with the italian lyrics!
In this second video you have it in Spanish!
Largo al factotum della citta.
Largo! La la la la la la la LA!
Presto a bottega che l'alba e gia.
Presto! La la la la la la la LA!
Ah, che bel vivere, che bel piacere (che bel
per un barbiere di qualita! (di qualita!)
Ah, bravo Figaro!
Bravo, bravissimo!
Bravo! La la la la la la la LA!
Fortunatissimo per verita!
La la la la la la la LA!
Fortunatissimo per verita!
Fortunatissimo per verita!
La la la la, la la la la, la la la la la la la LA!
divendres, 14 de novembre del 2014
Rossini and his music!
What do you know about Rossini??
Click the picture and write!
Here you have all the information! Good job 6B!
dilluns, 3 de novembre del 2014
the orchestra
Clik the picture to learn more about the orchestra
Question 1:
how many families are in the orchestra?
Question 2:
Which instruments are in the string family? Write their names
Clik the picture to learn more about the orchestra
Question 1:
how many families are in the orchestra?
Question 2:
Which instruments are in the string family? Write their names
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